Tratamiento Liquenia ®
Terapia Clínica para el Liquen Escleroso Vulvar
What are the signs?
We understand by “signs” the visible manifestations of a disease . Evidence that is perceptible and therefore allows both health professionals and patients to identify the presence of a medical condition. This leads to be able to evaluate this and its evolution, thus contributing to an accurate diagnosis and the planning of appropriate treatment strategies.
Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus
We remind you that Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the female vulvar area (external genital part of the woman).
Currently, the cause is unknown, however, it may be due to several factors such as people who are genetically predisposed or environmental factors.
What are the signs of lichen sclerosus vulvae?
The main signs that Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus may present are:
– Resorption or disappearance of labia majora and labia minora.
– Burying or phimosis of the clitoris.
– Narrowing of the vaginal introitus or vaginal entrance.
– Whitish plaques affecting vulva and anus (in the shape of an “8”).
– Erosions, fissures or cracks.
– Thin vulvar skin.
Not all women who have Lichen Sclerosus Vulvae have the same signs and symptoms. Therefore, it is essential that any abnormality, consult a specialist in this disease.
Lichen Vulvar Symptoms
On the other hand, Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus (VSLE) also manifests various symptoms, including persistent itching, localized pain in the affected area during sexual intercourse or other activities, including walking.
If you would like to gain a detailed understanding of these symptoms and learn more about how they affect quality of life, we invite you to consult the information available here, where we will explore each of these aspects in depth to provide you with a comprehensive view of the condition.