Frequently Asked Questions about Lichen Treatment
All the questions patients ask us, compiled on one page.
We have compiled for you the Frequently Asked Questions about the Liquenia Treatment that we have been asked over time by other women just like you.
We hope it helps to clarify all your doubts!
How do I know if I am eligible for the Liquenia® Protocol?
The first thing you should know is that we apply it only in cases where it is specifically indicated and recommended to regenerate the vulva. Not all lichen have evolved sufficiently or present such a condition that they are candidates for Liquenia® treatment.
That is why we do not administer the adipose tissue to any woman affected by vulvar lichen, we only administer it to those who we know need it because they present advanced clinical and symptomatology.
Lichenenia is a specific treatment for certain people with vulvar lichen sclerosus, lichen scleroatrophicus or lichen planus. Therefore, Dr. Patricia will examine you and confirm if this is the right treatment or if you need another alternative.
We take our work seriously and apply regenerative medicine exclusively to those who need it.
How do I know if I can apply the Liquenia® Protocol?
We will ask you for the diagnosis (the biopsy) or the medical report from the dermatologist or gynecologist to confirm what kind of lichen you have and what stage it is in. Then we will study your case and confirm if you are suitable to be treated with Liquenia or if you have to resort to another alternative.
Do I have to travel to Valencia?
Yes, because our medical facilities are in this city. But don’t worry about the stay because we will discharge you on the same day of admission.
Can there be complications or adverse effects during the procedure?
We have not had any contraindications or any adverse situations. In addition, you will be cared for and supervised in a hospital facility with ICU.
Is it a non-invasive therapy?
It is an infiltration with very fine needles, so that in a way we are going to work with the inside of your body. Nowadays medicine is so advanced that this type of operation is safe and respectful with you.
How is it different from other treatments?
It is clinically proven, the studies were carried outat the Instituto de Investigación la Fe de Valencia (IIsLaFe) and at the Hospital La Fe de Valencia.
Is it effective in all cases?
We have compared pre-Liquenia® and post regeneration biopsies and patients have shown objective improvement.
The cases where we have obtained the best results, not only have regenerated their intimate area and live without symptoms, but they have not had outbreaks again.
This is because the chances of rejection of the treatment are null because the stem cells come from your own body.
Do I have to ask for medical leave?
In principle, medical leave is not necessary because it is normal to be discharged two hours after the infiltration. Although each case is unique and recovery depends on the degree of involvement.
When can I have sex?
It depends on each case and how the intimate area is regenerating. Usually in about four weeks you will have normal sexual function.
What ages is it indicated for?
Liquenia has been applied to women from 15 to 70 years old with success. It is better to apply stem cells than “grandmother” cells because the former have greater regenerative power, so we recommend that you do it as soon as possible. Even in girls, the improvement capacity is expected to be greater and in less time, since the cells are more active.
How much does it cost?
It depends on each case. Depending on the more or less advanced stage of the disease you will need one treatment or another.
To give you an idea, a single session is usually enough, but when we examine your particular situation we will tell you if you need any more infiltration.
In any case, in the first exploration phase we will inform you what the investment will be.
Can I finance it?
Yes, in our clinic we have a financing agreement so that your improvement does not depend on your economic capacity.