Can I have Lichen Sclerosus on other parts of the body?


Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus
(VLS) is a skin condition often associated with the female genital area, but can I have Lichen Sclerosus on other parts of the body? This article delves into this question, exploring the possibility of VLS manifesting in areas beyond the genital region.


Typical VLS location

VLS is characterized by mainly affecting the female genital area, including the vulva, vaginal opening and perianal area. However, this is not the only location where this disease can manifest itself.

Although less common, Lichen Sclerosus can spread to other parts of the body, such as the thighs, lower abdominal area and even the anal region in both genders (women but also in men). These extensions may occur asymmetrically and vary in intensity.


Factors contributing to extension

Autoimmunity: VLS is believed to have an autoimmune basis, which causes the immune system to mistakenly attack your own tissues. This can contribute to injuries in different areas of your body.

Scratching and Friction: Constant scratching can irritate the skin, leading to the spread of VLS. Friction, especially in adjacent areas, may also contribute to its spread and appearance in non-genital regions.


Importance of accurate diagnosis

For any new or unusual symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis. Although other dermatological conditions may present similar symptoms, only a specialist in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus can confirm the presence of this disease and determine its location and stage for proper treatment.

Although Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus is most prevalent in the genital area, its ability to spread to other areas highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to its diagnosis and treatment by a physician who specializes in this disease.


Do you have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus? Here are some of them tips to face your day to day life.

About the author

Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (MD PhD)
Plastic Surgeon
Medical Researcher
Scientific Director at Derm Nix Lab®
President of Nixarian Foundation

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Do you want to know more about Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus?

So, I have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. What do I do now?: Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, MD, PhD A monograph guide to vulvar lichen sclerosus and its current treatments.

So, I have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. What do I do now?: Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, MD, PhD A monograph guide to vulvar lichen sclerosus and its current treatments.

The 1st book written for women with VLS.

Author: Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla

All proceeds go to the Nixarian Foundation.