Can I get Lichen Sclerosus when I am young?


Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus (VLS) is a dermatological disease affecting the vulvar area that is often associated with adult women. In this blog, we will explore the reality and see if it is possible to have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus at a young age.

Is it possible to have VLS at a young age?

The answer is yes. VLS can affect women of all ages, however it has two age peaks, at premenarche (time in a girl’s life prior to the onset of first menstruation) and at menopause. The prevalence in younger women is not as high as in older women, but it is essential to recognize that this condition has no age limit.


Challenges of diagnosing Lichen Sclerosus in young women.

One of the difficulties associated with VLS in young women is the challenge of diagnosing the condition. Symptoms can vary and are often confused with other dermatological conditions or infections. Lack of awareness of the possibility of VLS affecting young women can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment.


Importance of early diagnosis

It is crucial to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis in young women or girls experiencing VLS-related symptoms. Consultation with a healthcare professional, preferably a vulvar health specialist, is essential to obtain an accurate diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

The treatments that you can currently find are corticosteroid creams and the
Liquenia Treatment
that will improve your quality of life. On the other hand, you can complement these treatments with natural topicals such as the Dermnix Natural Oil.


Raising awareness

Raising awareness that VLS affects young women is essential to eliminate stigmas and encourage early diagnosis, which will help avoid the potential risks associated with the disease.


In conclusion, Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus does not discriminate by age, and it is vital that both young women and physicians are informed about this condition. Awareness and knowledge can make the difference in early diagnosis, effective treatment and the support needed to live a full life, regardless of age.


If you think you may have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus, don’t hesitate to contact us.

About the author

Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (MD PhD)
Plastic Surgeon
Medical Researcher
Scientific Director at Derm Nix Lab®
President of Nixarian Foundation

Do you know Dermnix Natural Oil?

Aceite Dermnix para el Liquen Escleroso Vulvar

Aceite Dermnix para el Liquen Escleroso Vulvar

The only 100% natural oil formulated exclusively for women with Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus.

Do you want to know more about Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus?

So, I have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. What do I do now?: Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, MD, PhD A monograph guide to vulvar lichen sclerosus and its current treatments.

So, I have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus. What do I do now?: Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, MD, PhD A monograph guide to vulvar lichen sclerosus and its current treatments.

The 1st book written for women with VLS.

Author: Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla

All proceeds go to the Nixarian Foundation.